New article in 'The Organ" Magazine: 'The French Symphonic Organs – instruments as inspiration for the performer'

Dodano 7.11.2018

The French Symphonic Organs – instruments as inspiration for the performer

Michal Szostak

We are pleased to publish a further essay in the series on organs, organists and organ music by the distinguished Continental musician.

From the point of view of aesthetics, as a science dealing with the so-called aesthetic situation, inspiration is an inseparable element of the initial phase of the aesthetic situation, which includes the artist (creator), creative process, work of art, the recipient, the process of art perception and aesthetic values. Inspiration (from Latin noun 'inspiratio' = inspiration and Latin verb 'inspirare' = blow in) is an encouragement to action, especially in man's creative work. It involves stimulating the creative process of the artist to perform a specific work of art. The opposite of inspiration is discouragement, demotivation, weakening the spirit. The phenomenon of inspiration (and “deinspiration”) can be considered as an ephemeral temporary situation (coincidence) and as a long-term process (e.g. an inspiring place).

From the point of view of the performer, sources (factors) that can be an inspiration I divide into external (objective) to the performer and internal (subjective) to the performer.

Current issue - here.

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Copyrights (all texts, pictures and videos) Michał Szostak (R)